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Git, my love

22 June 2012

It’s been a while since I switched from Subversion to Git. Since then I’ve been using it for everything that’s even slightly more complex than a text file. I use the command line most of the time, together with the following tools:

Github takes it a step further. Free accounts only have public repositories and paid plans are a little too expensive in my view. Lately I had to produce several projects for university. Habitually, I turn to LaTeX for such stuff. The results can be found in my Github account. Once again, the best tool turned out to be: my favourite editor Vim 1, a minimal Makefile and TeX Live from the Debian repos.

Next stop: understanding what git-annex can do for me.

  1. Nevertheless, this time I experimented with Eclipse + TeXlipse + EGit, but the KISS principle got me again.